NYPD Sees Uptick in Vehicle Thefts in 66th Precinct

NYPD Sees Uptick in Vehicle Thefts in 66th Precinct

YS Gold 

At a community council meeting last week, NYPD 66th precinct Commanding Officer Captain Kenneth Herrarte noted an unfortunate rise in grand larcenies of autos around the neighborhood. 

"Sixteen cars were stolen in the last twenty-eight days,” he said. “I am not sure what the relationship is, but we are seeing lot of Ford vans… E-250’s and E-350’s being stolen. We are seeing a lot of stolen scooters as well as late-model Honda’s and Hyundai’s.” 

The CO said that having videos of these crimes helps the NYPD immeasurably, both by learning more about how these crimes take place, as well as getting a facial identification of the perpetrators. 

Herrarte promised to address the matter, saying, “Our officers will be providing more presence in the areas affected.” 

A post on X this morning by the NYPD urged residents to take their own precautions to ensure that their vehicles are not stolen: 

•Park in a well-lit area

•Remove valuable belongings from the car.

•Never leave keys or your vehicle running unattended

•Consider purchasing a tracking device

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