Shiduch in Court of Viznitz Boro Park

By BoroPark24 Staff
Joy and celebration are felt in the court of Viznitz Boro Park with the engagement of the Rebbe's daughter.
The Chusen is a son of the Tiferes Mordche Rov in Monsey, son of the Biksad Rov, which is a son-in-law by the Viznitzer Rebbe the Toras Mordche z"l.
The Viznitz Rebbe from Boro Park is the son-in-law of the Rachmastrivka Monsey Rov, which is also the son-in-law of the Viznitzer Rebbe the Toras Mordche z"l.
The Tenoyim will take place Sunday night in the Viznitz Boro Park shul.