Khal Hadras Kodesh-Svoliva to Open Doors Under Leadership of Esteemed Boro Park Dayan

YS Gold
Rav Shloime Appel, shlit”a, has served as a prominent and esteemed dayan in the Boro Park community for a number of years. In this time, he has established a reputation for his erudition and his clarity in psak—serving as an address for many within the community to have their halachic queries answered.
This Shabbos, Rav Appel will be opening a kehillah of his own, Khal Hadras Kodesh-Svoliva, with a number of balebatim from within the Boro Park community.
The location of the shul will be in the lower level of Congregation Beth El, 4802 15th Avenue. The entrance is from 48th Street.
As this new kehillah in the center of Boro Park opens its doors, it is with the hopes that it will continue to grow as a makom Torah utefillah for the entire community.