Your Deposit has Been Received: A Parade of Agonizing Emails

Your Deposit has Been Received: A Parade of Agonizing Emails

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How can an email that on its first glance looks so innocent, cause so much pain and grief?

Just take a moment to think about what this poor widow is going through the past few months…

From the moment her daughter got engaged, her anxiety level was on the rise. “How in the world am I supposed to pay for all the wedding-related expenses? Just how?”

She found a way to push the barrel down the road. She took out a credit card that had limited funds available and started paying deposits to all the vendors.

She booked a wedding hall and paid a deposit, she paid deposits to the musician, singer, photographer, Kallah gown, sibling dresses. She even rented an apartment and paid some more deposits to furnish it.

But with every deposit confirmation email, her anxiety level reached new heights, she saw all the balances due, and those balances kept on building an enormous mountain in front of her. The answer to her question became tougher and tougher, “how on earth am I going to pay it all?”

There was no joy at all as they were engaged in the wedding preparations because a tremendous burden was laying on her shoulders, and that burden just kept on growing aggressively.

The wedding date is rapidly approaching… “Whom can I turn to? Didn’t I suffer enough pain with my husband’s illness and passing? Do I really have to go through this awful humiliation?”

Dear Yidden! This is the sad reality! We must come together to pay off these balances as well as the deposits!

There is no father to take responsibility for the bills, let us do it for them!

However, there is a silver lining. The Kallah is a grandchild of the holy Tzadik Reb Shaye’le of Kerestir זי"ע, who is world renowned for the mystical yeshuos that people have benefited through him.

It has been well documented that hundreds have seen amazing Yeshuos by helping marry off his grandchildren. Now you can be one of them.

A Campaign has been launched to help raise the necessary funds to pay off her wedding expenses. Please take a moment to visit the link and make a generous donation.

When we work in unison, it is not such a steep mountain to climb, but when a widow has to figure it out on her own IT’S A MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!

Your generous donation will make the impossible possible and will bring happiness and joy to the Kallah and her family, and have your requests fulfilled in merit of the holy Tzadik Reb Shaye ben Reb Moshe of Kerestir.

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