BDE: Tragic Passing of R’ Yitzchok Moshe Weisstein, z”l

BDE: Tragic Passing of R’ Yitzchok Moshe Weisstein, z”l

by YS Gold 

We regret to inform you of the petirah of Reb Yitzchok Moshe Weisstein of Los Angeles who was niftar in Boro Park under tragic circumstances. He was 72 years of age. 

The niftar had been in Boro Park for a simcha, and was preparing to return home. As he descended the stairs to his Uber which was to take him to the airport, he fell down the stairs. NYPD investigators were on the scene for hours, investigating the scene.

Hatzolah was called to the scene, but sadly, there was nothing they could do. R’ Yitzchok Moshe was declared deceased at the scene. 

BoroPark24 spoke with an acquaintance of the niftar who recalled, "He was a Yid a Tzadik, so erlich, and so Temimusdig. For many years he worked in a shop, and always had a Gemara in which he learned at every available moment. Later he became the Mashgiach in a store and he was able to earn more and help so many people in many way— a true example of an Erliche Bal habois!"

The Levaye will be taking place in California, LA.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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