BDE: Rav Avrohom Yechezkel Buch z"l

BDE: Rav Avrohom Yechezkel Buch z"l

Boro Park - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Reb Avrohom Yechezkel Buch z"l, the gabbai of the Bais Yisroel  of Ger who later moved to Boro Park, who suffered in recent weeks from the coronavirus. He was 83.

Reb Avrohom was a successful businessman who used his wealth to help others. His address in Yerushalayim was widely known and he donated all the siddurim in the Gerrer beis medrash there.

Reb Avrohom was born in 1936 to Reb Yaakov Zev and Esther, a couple with the chein of Yerushalayim shel Maalah on their faces, and was educated as devoted chassidim of the rebbes of Ger. He grew close to the Beis Yisroel and eventually became his gabbai.

Reb Avrohom's devotion and hisbatlus to the rebbe was extraordinary to behold. He would follow him around, and when the Beis Yisroel was niftar would visit the kever every Motzei Shabbos and light a candle.

Reb Avrohom later set up a network of Gerrer kollelim, the first network of its kind, according to a report. He was honored by the Pnei Menachem of Ger, who invited him to sit the first at the tish in recognition of his acts of kindness.

Reb Avrohom moved to the United States in 1997 and settled in Boro Park, where he davened at the shtiebel on 49th Street. He took ill with the virus and was niftar on Sunday.

Yehi zichro boruch.

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