BDE: R’ Avraham Fried, z”l

BDE: R’ Avraham Fried, z”l

YS Gold 

We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Avrohom Fried of Kew Gardens Hills and Boro Park. He was 92 years of age. 

The niftar was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan 92 years ago, at a time when it was not taken for granted that children would remain on a path of Yiddishkeit. Avrohom did, though, and was known throughout his life to live a life of strict adherence to Halacha. 

The niftar and his wife, who passed away one year ago, did not merit children. Nevertheless, they reveled in the lives of many nieces and nephews and their entire family which loved him very much. “We were their children,” says a niece, and they were a beloved part of our lives.” 

Since he did not leave behind any children, the public is asked to learn a Mishnah or give tzeddaka l’iluy nishmas Avraham Abba ben Shlomo Yehuda. 

The levaya will take place at the Wellwood cemetery’s Agudah section at 10:45 this morning. 

Yehi zichro baruch.

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