Dozens of Bachurim Transported to Hospital with Food Poisoning Following Uplifting Nesiah in Ukraine in Viznitz

By BoroPark24 staff
A painful conclusion to a beautiful journey.
As BoroPark24 has reported, the Viznitz Monsey Chassidim in Boro Park journeyed, along with their rebbe, to Mekomos hakedoshim in Poland, Ukraine, and to the birthplace of the chassidus in Kosov and Viznitz.
The holiness and the history was felt throughout the trip, with a highlight being the Shabbos in Medzibuz in a crowd of 300 chassidim.
A group of bachurim extended their trip by a couple of days, returning this evening. As they were making their way off the plane, the majority of them began to feel unwell. The pain and other symptoms only intensified as they drew closer to Boro Park.
What now appears as a serious case of food poisoning (it remains unclear at this time where they contracted it) has overtaken this group during the final moments of an incredible trip.
Immediately upon arriving in Boro park, Hatzolah met the Bus on the outskirts of Boro Park, at 14th avenue and 37th street— transporting 20 patients in serious, but stable condition, many of them immediately placed on IV.
BoroPark24 has learned that there are more patients , bachurim who have returned a day earlier, being transported at this time from their homes throughout Boro Park.
They are all expected to recover, b’chasdei Hashem—but this was certainly not the expected conclusion to a trip that had been meticulously planned, and had run according to plan during its entire duration.