NYPD Officer Yells "You Fu--in' Jews" at Hasidic Father and Son in Boro Park

NYPD Officer Yells "You Fu--in' Jews" at Hasidic Father and Son in Boro Park

This past Friday night, a Hasidic father and his 17-year old son were walking home after spending time at a tisch, a rabbinical event in Boro Park. As they were crossing the street at 15th Avenue and 50th Street a police car with its lights on drove by and the police officer who was driving the car rolled his window down and yelled “you fu–in’ Jews” at them. The officer laughed and drove off, leaving them shocked and stunned.

The family reached out to Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, on Sunday evening to ensure this matter is addressed in a professional and swift manner. The family was terrified but they’re willing to come forward so this antisemitic act is addressed and the individual involved is held responsible for his actions.

“I have so much respect for NYC’s Finest but sometimes, things like this happen. This incident must be thoroughly investigated by senior officials in the NYPD. With antisemitism reaching unprecedented levels, we can’t allow any form of hate to be tolerated,” said Hikind.

Photo: A new speed camera is being installed on 18th Ave and 54th St
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