Yom Tov to be Sunny and Mild, Brief Showers Expected Thursday Morning

As 5782 comes in, the sun will be shining on the first day of Yom Tov.
“The temperatures, which will be in the low 80s, will be not too hot and not too humid,” said weather enthusiast Yaker Bigeleisen. We can look forward to a nice Rosh Hashana is ahead.
Starting Thursday, temperatures will cool off a little to the high 70s, where the air should remain through Shabbos.
Boro Park might see some heavy rain, which is always a sign of bracha, for just a short amount of time late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning, Mr. Bigeleisen explained.
Chasiva v’chasima tova, and a gut gebentched yahr to all readers,” said BoroPark24’s weatherman.