Yohrtzeit of Bluzever Rebbe to be Marked this Shabbos and Motzei shabbos .

Yohrtzeit of Bluzever Rebbe to be Marked this Shabbos and Motzei shabbos .

The previous Bluzever Rebbe, Rav Tzvi Yehuda Spira, zt”l, was the son of Rav Yisroel of Bluzev, who transplanted the glory of Bluzev and his holy ancestors going back to the Bnei Yisaschar, to Boro Park. 

Following his passing in 1989, he was succeeded by Rav Tzvi Yehuda who survived the Holocaust as a child. He was known as a unique demus of a prewar-style rebbe who served Hashem with devotion and treated his fellow Yid with love and concern. He was nifter on Erev Shabbos, 16 Tammuz, 2015. 

The yohrtzeit this year falls on shabbos, and will be marked with a seudas hilula and siyumim, on shabbos and Motzei shabbos, by his three sons who have have succeeded the tenure of the Bluezever Rebbe who led and illuminated in Boro Park for 25 years.

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