Yampola Tzion to Open at Night for the First Time on Yurtzat

Yampola Tzion to Open at Night for the First Time on Yurtzat

by YS Gold 

Many will mark the yohrtzeit of Rebbe Eliezer Chaim Rabinowitz, known as the Yampoler Rebbe, largely considered the first chassidishe Rebbe to set foot on the American continent. The yohrtzeit falls this Monday, the 5th of Iyar.  

The Rebbe was descended from the greatest lights in the Chassidic movement, including the  Rebbe Baruch of Medzibuz and his grandfather the Ba’al Shem Tov, Rebbe Mechel of Zlochev, and many others. 

The Rebbe lived temporarily in America, but he really resided in his own world, constantly enveloped in the cocoon of his Torah, tefillah, and intense avodas Hashem. He raised great generations of upstanding Torah Yidden, with a number of prominent Admorim among his progeny. 

The Rebbe was interred on Mount Judah Cemetery in the extremely-prestigious Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim section, alongside many other great Rabbonim and leaders of American Torah Jewry.

The Rebbe’s resting place has become a destination for many in need of yeshuah, especially on the day of the yohrtzeit, the fifth day in Iyar.

For the first time, the Tzion will be open at night, accommodating the hundreds of Yidden who wish to come and daven during the evening hours. Full accommodations will be available throughout the day around the yurtzeit.

Buses will be leaving the Skolya Beis Medrash , 1335 48th Street, on Sunday night and Monday at three different times in the day, ferrying Yidden in need of a yeshuah to the holy tziyun of the Yamploer Rebbe who illuminated the darkness of America all those many years ago.

BDE: Mrs. Zlata Ledereich u"h
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