With Chanukah Upon Us, BoroPark24 Shows Appreciation to Newsmakers

With Chanukah Upon Us, BoroPark24 Shows Appreciation to Newsmakers

YS Gold 

Throughout the year, the police and elected officials are here for our community, each in their own capacity and unique mission. 

This Chanukah, BoroPark24 hand-delivered a large specially-crafted donut, along with a poem expressing our appreciation for their work on behalf of the community, and for providing our company with up-to-the-minute news and information of importance to our readers. (They were not legally allowed to accept the gift but were nevertheless appreciative of the gesture and the sentiments expressed in the poem). 

BoroPark24 visited State Senator Simcha Felder, a public servant who has represented our community and its interests for decades. We also visited Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and District Leader Pinny Ringel, who advocate for our community in Albany and New York City, respectively.

A special visit was paid to the 66th precinct of the NYPD, with which we share a close relationship, and we expressed appreciation on behalf of a grateful community for all that the NYPD does to keep us safe today and around the year.  

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