Wishing our Readers and all of Klal Yisroel a Kesivah V’chasimah Tovah

As we stand at the cusp of a new year, Boropark24, its editors, writers, and support staff reflect upon the awesome privilege that we have been granted in having you as part of our fast-growing readership.
We do not take this for granted, and we invest incredible toil and resources into earning your readership by providing you with content that informs and inspires.
As a news website, with a front row seat to news as it unfolds, tasked with informing you of events as they happen—regardless of their nature—no one more than we wish that we would have only good and positive things to report.
As we move into a new year, with a renewed commitment to our work, here’s hoping that the year will be filled with sweetness and blessing for the Boro Park community and for all of Klal Yisroel—and that we should only have good news to report.
And in this year, as we leave behind the past and look prayerfully and hopefully to the future, we join our dear readers in raising our eyes Heavenward in the plea; “Tekah B’shofar godol lecheiruseinu…”
In this year, may we finally hear that blast of freedom that we have been waiting for for so long, delivering us permanently from the terrible galus.
A kesivah v’chasimah tovah, and Ah Gut
Gebenched Yohr, and may all of our tefillos be accepted l’rachamim ul’ratzon.
From your friends at Boropark24