Weekly Weather: More Rain to Lead off Week

Yaker Biegeleisen
The torrential downpours over this past weekend wiped out any pre-drought concerns for our area, with over three inches raining down over the Tri-State Area. The torrent continued on Sunday, with rain, drizzles, and heavy downpours at times--and we are not done.
Sunday and Monday will see another two inches due to a second storm making its way into our area. This is all due to a storm over our area which has a tropical connection.
We expect to clear up late Monday, with a moon visible for kiddush levanah.
A small chance of showers returns for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Temperatures will be below average: 40s at night, high 50s by day, and sun and warmer temperatures should make an appearance by the weekend.
Yaker Biegeleisen is BoroPark24's weather and nature reporter.