Weekly Weather: Minor 'Disturbance' May Bring a Coating, Chilly Weather for Rest of Week

Weekly Weather: Minor 'Disturbance' May Bring a Coating, Chilly Weather for Rest of Week

By Yaker Biegeleisen 

To start the week, we have a minor storm that may bring a small coating of snow, but it is unlikely that it will turn into a wintry mix for the City. This system will last through Sunday night. 

The week will see temperatures in the low 30's at night and upper forties by day. 

We are watching a possible storm through the weekend. As the weather warms up, it may bring snow (as predicted in early models). But as of now, it is more likely that it will only rain, as it will be warmer, and there will not be enough cold air to support snowfall. 

Yaker Biegeleisen is Boropark24's weather and nature reporter.

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