Weekly Weather: A Cold Week Ahead, Possible Storm on Horizon

Weekly Weather: A Cold Week Ahead, Possible Storm on Horizon

By: Yaker Biegeleisen

As we head into a new week, the frigid weather from Shabbos will remain with us—a cold week lies in store. 

Sunday and Monday, we remain in the 20’s and teens—with some light snow on Sunday afternoon. Minor accumulation is possible. 

Sunday night,  Monday night,  and Tuesday night each have a chance for some light snow for our areas. A greater chance for the Catskills, Monroe, and Monsey. 

On Tuesday, we are watching a storm that is likely to hit our area—though it is unclear whether it will be snow or rain. Temps for Tuesday will be a bit milder.

But we return to the fierce cold for the remainder of the week—with temperatures once again in the 10’s and 20’s, with a real-feel even colder than that. 

Yaker Biegeleisen is a born-and-bred Boro Parker who reports on weather for Boropark24 

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