Weekly Dee Voch on Newsstands: Parshas Vayishlach

Weekly Dee Voch on Newsstands: Parshas Vayishlach

By Idy Perl

Dee Voch this week includes galleries from various rebbish events around the world, including the first part of the Satmar Rebbe’s visit to Antwerp, the Viznitz Rebbe’s visit to Lakewood, and the Toldos Aharon Rebbe’s visit to New York. Several rebbish weddings are featured as well, including the wedding of the Bobov-45 Rebbe’s grandson, the wedding in Toldos Avraham Yitzchok’s, as well as the Pshevorske wedding. Additional events that are included are the bar mitzvah of the Boyane Rebbe’s grandson, the dinner for Kollel Zichron Chaim of Bobov, the dinner for the Satmar mosdos in Boro Park, and the Skulene Rebbe and Kossove Rebbe’s individual visits to gedolei Yisroel. 

In this week’s Shrift, an interview with HaRav Nachum Yisrael Twersky, the talmid and son-in-law of the great Gaon HaRav Eliezer Geldzhaler zt”l, the Rosh Yeshivah of Ohr Yisroel, is featured in honor of his 20th yartzeit. He shared many memories of their time learning together, and the tragic accident in which he was personally injured as well, that ultimately led to the death of the Rosh Yeshivah. 

The Shrift also includes the dramatic account of Reb Binyamin Weksler from Yerushalayim who just returned for a daring trip to Afghanistan. He recounts his visit to the Taliban headquarters, a hotel locked right in front of the Iranian embassy, his visit to Kabul, where photography, coffee, and music are prohibited, and what he did when the border guards found his tefillin. 

The business Shrift issue includes an interview with Reb Yitzchok Honig, who came up with a delicious muffin recipe over 20 years ago and started selling the ready dough to dozens of grocery stores and bakeries. Today, “Muffins and More” is a giant in the kosher bakery industry, and his raw, baked, sourdough, and kosher l’Pesach products are purchased by some of the biggest hospitals, nursing homes, hotels and distribution companies. 

Last but not least, the Kinder Shrift issue features a fascinating interview with Reb Moshe Klein, who recently traced the steps of the avos and visited Ir Kasdim and Churon, among other places.

Get your copy at grocery stores and local retailers, or subscribe via WhatsApp or the website!

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