Weekly Dee Voch on Newsstands: Parshas Toldos

By Idy Perl
The new Dee Voch edition is now on shelves everywhere and packed with new content.
Dee Voch this week includes galleries of the conference that took place in Antwerp for Gerrer Chassidim. In addition, there are galleries of several simchahs from the past week, including the vort of the Belze Rav’s granddaughter, the tenoyim of the Bobover Rebbe's granddaughter, the wedding and sheva brachos of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe’s grandson, Tenoim in Bobov-45, and much more.
The Shrift features an article about the tragic Har Nof terror attack that happened 10 years ago and includes a moving interview with survivor R’ Eitan Mualemi. In addition, R’ Mendel Weiss z”l from Williamsburg recounts his harrowing experiences during the Second World War in an interview done before his petirah.
As always, the business Shrift is packed with interesting business news and insights, including an interview with R' Chaim Teller, the owner of “Sign Up,” a company that specializes in printing various types of signs and posters.
Get your copy at grocery stores and local retailers, or subscribe via WhatsApp or the website!