WATCH: ‘Asking for a Friend’ at Agudah Convention Brings Torah Clarity to Everyday Issues

It has become one of the most popular symposiums for the English-speaking Torah tzibbur; the “Asking for a friend” panel moderated by popular and prolific author and columnist Rabbi Yisroel Bessel.
The panel traditionally features two Gedolei Torah who are asked about everyday issues that face families in Klal Yisroel—which they address with a clarity honed through decades spent within the tent of Torah, while guiding the young people of our communities toward a life of aliyah.
This years’ “Asking for a friend” featured two returning panelists who have been extremely well-received in this forum in the past: Rav Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington, and son in law of Rav Beinish Finkel, and Rav Yosef Elefant, a decades-long Marbitz Torah in the Mir (and grandson of Rav Eliezer Kirzner, longtime Rov of Boro Park’s Bnei Yehuda).
The spellbound audience watched in reverence as these two great men took on one issue after another, citing relevant Torah and mussar sources, in a manner that could only come from a lifetime of avodas hamiddos, informed by the holy Torah to which they have dedicated their lives.
Watch, and be informed and inspired by their Torah clarity.
(Scroll to “Q&A: Asking for a Friend”)