Viznitzer Rebbe to Undergo Surgery, Asks Chassidim to Daven for him

By: YS Gold
The Viznitzer Rebbe, Rebbe Yisroel of Viznitz-Bnei Brak is set to undergo a procedure on Monday, and has asked chassidim to daven for the success of the operation.
Viznitzer chassidim around the world are gathering to recite Tehillim, and are accepting positive resolutions upon themselves for the Rebbe’s merit.
This past Shabbos during the tish, which took four hours, the Rebbe sat during sholom aleichem due to weakness. There were heightened emotions among the chassidim throughout the tish, and the Rebbe noted that despite the doctors assurances that this is a light procedure, it is nevertheless a surgery.
Klal Yisroel is asked to daven for Rav Yisroel ben Leah Esther for a refuah sheleimah. A minyan Tehilem will take place tonight in the Viznitz Bnei Brak shul in Boro Park after the 9:30 Minyan Mariv.