Viznitzer Rebbe Arriving Monday, Will Attend Family Simchos in Boro Park

The Viznitzer Rebbe, Rav Mendel, shlit”a, will arrive in the United States on Monday, spending time with chassidim, and attend family simchos in Boro Park.
The Rebbe will head to Monsey on Monday, where he will deliver remarks to the bachurim of the newly-opened Viznitzer yeshiva there.
Monday night, the Rebbe will attend the wedding of his cousins—between the daughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Boro Park, and the brother of the Viznitzer Rebbe of Boro Park. It is interesting to note that the chosson and the kallah bear the names of the Imrei Chaim and his Rebbetzin, the grandparents of the Viznitz-Bnei Braker Rebbe.
The same night he will hold a l’chaim in his Shul in Boro Park, celebrating the birth of a great-granddaughter.
Following this, the Rebbe will depart for Los Angeles, where he will remain until after Shabbos, and then return home.