Viznitzer Rebbe Arrives for Granchild's Wedding, Will Spend Shabbos in Boro Park

Viznitzer Rebbe Arrives for Granchild's Wedding, Will Spend Shabbos in Boro Park

By: Boropark24 Staff 

The Viznitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak arrived Tuesday morning for the wedding of a grandchild, and will remain here for throughout the days of Sheva Brochos. 

The chosson is Yechezkel Shraga Katz, a son of Rav Moshe Mordechai Katz, a son of the Viener Ruv, and son-in-law of the Rebbe. The kallah is the daughter of Rav Avrohom Kloimnus Kalman Yehoshua Babad, ABD Drohobych. 

The wedding will take place Wednesday evening in the large ballroom in the basement of the Belzer Talmud Torah, with the chupah taking place on 37th Street, between 12th and 13th Avenues. 

A central Sheva brochos will take place next Tuesday in the Chassidus' beis medrash in Monsey. 

With the new year approaching, many chassidim who do not plan to be with the Rebbe for Rosh Hashanah will have the opportunity to go in privately with a kvittel and to receive brochos for a blessed new year.

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