Viznitz Rebbe Of London Plans Three Week Trip To New York

Viznitz Rebbe Of London Plans Three Week Trip To New York

By Idy Perl

The Viznitz Rebbe from London will be departing from London tomorrow to come to New York for his annual three-week trip to the states during the holiday season in England. 

The Rebbe will stay in Kiamesha Lake for the majority of his visit, where he will be able to enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the Catskill Mountains. He will be staying at the home of Reb Menachem Shloime Hager, and will split his davening during the week between the main bais medrash of Kiamesha Lake, the yeshivah gedolah, and at the home of his host. 

The Rebbe will make a quick 2-hour visit to Toronto Canada in honor of a chossid’s wedding, before returning to Kiamesha Lake to spend Shabbos there together with his brother, the Rebbe of Kiamesha Lake. 

Next week Wednesday the Londoner Rebbe will attend the wedding of Viznitz and Shatz Rebbe’s grandchildren, which will take place in Monsey. The Rebbe will then spend Shabbos in Monsey as well, where he will lead the Shabbos together with his brother, the Rebbe of Monsey. The following Shabbos he will be in Williamsburg, where he will spend Shabbos with his shver, the Kalive Rebbe. 

Throughout the Rebbe’s three weeks in New York he will be available to meet with chassidim after Shacharis and between Mincha and Maariv.

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