Vinderkind Sivan on Shelves Now

By Idy Perl
The latest edition of the Vinderkind magazine and USB is now hitting shelves as the new month of Sivan arrives.
Like every month, the new Vinderkind edition is chock full of new reading and audio entertainment.
The Sivan edition features:
Track 1: A beautiful song about the Torah, written by R’ Velvel Schmelzer and sung by the Antwerp Childrens Choir.
Track 2: The Violinist is the fascinating story of how Shaul Hamelech selected Dovid ben Yishai as the violinist for his palace.
Track 3: The Tehillim Yid is a dramatic story involving the Torah, David Hamelech, and the Baal Shem Tov, told by R’ Yisroel Zev Halpert.
Track 4: In honor of Shavuous, Moshe and Shimon Yoel Klein travel to Amsterdam to explore the city known for its history, flowers, and housing the oldest Jewish library.
Track 5: A story of a Shabbos seuda that goes off the rails when someone gets angry and lashes out, and how to work on our middos and anger.
Track 6: A beautiful song with ideas on how to control anger and stay calm, sung by Yaldei Chein.
Track 7: Come sit under the trees in the county as we discuss important halachos with R’ Matisyahu Green.
Track 8: Fascinating midrashim that are accompanied by the written magazine that are sure to keep you spellbound.