Viener Rebbe Will be in Boro Park for Shabbos

Viener Rebbe Will be in Boro Park for Shabbos

YS Gold 

It has become an annual tradition for the Viener Rebbe to spend a Shabbos in Boro Park during the days of sefirah, as the Yom Tov of Shavuos approaches. 

The rebbe will spend Shabbos Behar-Bechukosai-Chazak among chassidim, talmidim, and many admirers from the Boro Park community. 

Tefillos, Tischen, and A Pirkei Avos Shiur on Shabbos day will all take place in Mesivta Eitz Chaim D'Bobov at 1577-48th St., where the rebbe will leave a long-lasting impression of preparation for kabbolas Hatorah.

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