Veitzener Kollel Visits Gedolei Eretz Yisroel Upon Completion of 6 years Intense Learning of Hilchos Shabbos

Veitzener Kollel Visits Gedolei Eretz Yisroel Upon Completion of 6 years Intense Learning of Hilchos Shabbos

After delving into the intricacies of Hilchos Shabbos for five years, followed by a sixth year of review, the Veitzener Kollel of Chicago, led by their Rosh Kollel, R’ Hershel Ungar, Shlita and their Rav, R’ Moshe Yosef Ungar, set out on a spiritually elevating trip to Eretz Yisroel. They weren’t going to take a break or to tour; their mission was to get tested by the world’s greatest Poskim and to recharge themselves after accomplishing this monumental goal. Tuesday, Parshas Chayei Sarah – the Kollel members visited R’ Shimon Yitzchok Schlesinger, renowned Rav and member of the Badatz of Eidah Hachareidis, who tested the men thoroughly for two-and-a-half hours on the vast Halachos of Shabbos. After successfully passing this intense examination, the group went to the famed Yeshivas Mir, where Rav Lazer Yudel Finkel, the Rosh Yeshiva, and R’ Binyomin “HaTzadik” Finkel, spoke to them with warm words of encouragement. “I feel small next to you,” R’ Binyomin said, “such choshuve yungeleit who have thoroughly learned the Halachos of Shabbos for six years.” R’ Hershel Ungar, the Rosh Kollel, then stood up to speak. “The Kollel owes its success to this very Yeshiva, Yeshivas Mir. It is here where I gained the method of learning and reviewing, as well as test-taking, that I have implemented in our Kollel.” In the evening, they headed to the home of the venerated Mashpia, HaRav Yaakov Meir Schechter, Shlita, who spoke fiery words in appreciation of the Kollel’s massive achievement. (This was the first time since the onset of corona that the Gadol spoke in a public setting.) Among his passionate words, he stressed the extreme Kedusha of Shabbos and how those who learn the Halachos are affected positively by their studies, spreading this influence to their families as well. To the astonishment of the audience, R’ Yaakov Meir broke out in song, beginning with the tune of “Mitzvah Gedolah.” The magic was palpable in the air as the crowd joined in, singing song after song. R’ Yaakov Meir wished the group collectively “ א גליקליכע לעבן” – a life of good fortune, and that they merit to be the recipients of the blessings that Shabbos brings. The Gabbaim attested that it’s been a while since they’ve witnessed an event as uplifting as this one. It was already late when they visited yet another great Rav, R’ Shlomo Yehudah Hirsch, Satmar Dayan, and member of the Eidah, who was astounded at the clarity with which the Kollel yungeleit knew the halachos. Wednesday – The Veitzener Kollel traveled from Yerushalayim to Beit Shemesh, where they met several great Poskim, among them Harav Noson Kopschitz, Shlita and R’ Yehoshua Rosenberger, Rav of Kiryas HaRema, Beit Shemesh, also a member of the Eidah HaChareidis. Upon their return to Yerushalayim in the evening, they celebrated the commencement of the writing of a Sefer Torah which will be donated to their Kollel in Chicago. Thursday was yet another day packed with examinations by Gedolei Hador, this time in Bnei Brak, the city of Torah. It’s worth mentioning, that in spite of their busy schedules, the Kollel members set aside one hour each day to learn together in a Beis Midrash. In Bnei Brak, the Kollel yungeleit met with Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Dayan and member of the Eidah HaChareidis, and Rav of Hatzolah. While in Bnei Brak, the Kollel held a moving Siyum celebration in a hall, where they experienced true spiritual joy upon this major milestone. Afterward, they headed to the home of the renowned Posek, HaRav Moshe Shaul Klein, who cross-examined them in an intense father. The tension in the air was palpable, as the Rav asked difficult questions, unrelentingly checking to see how well they knew the Halachos. Even after a question was answered, he would go on to ask, “And how does this work with the other sugya we mentioned?” Once the heartstopping test was over, R’ Moshe Shaul expressed his amazement at their phenomenal familiarity and depth of knowledge and proceeded to express words of support and inspiration. “People like you can go on to become Morei Horaah,” R’ Moshe Shaul exclaimed. “People tend to learn the Halachos of Shabbos in four years. But I believe that what you have done in six years is a far superior method of learning. You have spent time delving into the Halachos from the source, successfully acquiring a real understanding of the Halachos, unlike those who merely learn from Likut Seforim.” The Rav also showed his respect for the American Talmidei Chachamim by saying, “In Eretz Yisroel, leaving Kollel is something that’s frowned upon. That is not the case in America. That’s why I’m so impressed with all of you; you have sat and learned with seriousness over a period of six years.” (Little did he know that all of the Kollel members have learned in other Kollelim prior to joining the Veitzener Kollel.) Following this meeting, the group went to the Kever of the Chazon Ish and then to the home of HaGaon R’ Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita. Despite his fragile state, R’ Chaim extended his hand to each of the choshuve members of the Veitzener Kollel. In the evening, the entourage set out to their next destination: Meron. Friday – The group traveled to nearby Tzfas, where one of the Kollel members spoke about the holy Bais Yosef, author of the Shulchan Aruch, who is buried in that city. When he finished speaking, the men walked over to the Tziyun of the Beis Yosef with awe, and started learning the next topic they would be immersing themselves in – Hilchos Birchos HaPeiros. Then, led by a Kollel member, they fervently recited Perek 119 of Tehilim, which is all about the learning of Torah. The next site the Veitzener Kollel visited was the Tziyun of the Ari HaKadosh, where they davened heartfelt tefilos and used the famous Mikvah. Shabbos was spent in Meron. Various members of the Kollel aroused the rest of the group with words of inspiration. The tefilos and seudas were held with much ceremony and an air of spirituality, impressing other visitors who asked, “Who are these yungeleit?” Motzaei Shabbos found the Veitzener Kollel on the final leg of their trip, traveling to Teverya to daven at the Kevarim of the talmidei Baal Shem Tov, Rochel Aishes Rebbi Akiva, R’ Meir Baal HaNes and the Rambam. In this elevated atmosphere, the group set out to the airport, feeling as if they were already flying. The inspiration and support the Kollel absorbed from this trip will surely accompany them for a long time, giving them the strength to continue toiling in Torah in the Windy City.

Photo Gallery: Wedding in courts of Koson, Desch Kiryas Yoel and Faltishan
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