US Rep. Zeldin Concedes, but Says “Those Controlling Albany Should Take Note”

By Yehudit Garmaise
US Rep. Lee Zeldin conceded the governor's election just now when he released a statement that said, "I would like to congratulate NY Gov. Kathy Hochul on her election to a full four-year term."
Calling New York, “the bluest of blue states,” Zeldin called 2022’s governor’s race “a once-in-a-generation campaign.”
While Zeldin thanked the “unrelenting passion and hard work of our grassroots volunteers who poured their hearts and souls into this campaign, the Republican who came within striking distance of winning the highest office in NY also pointed out that the New York Legislature should take note of the 47.2% of voters who voted for him.
After 52.8% of New Yorkers voted for Gov. Kathy Hochul, who received 3,011,672 votes, the governor said, “The people have spoken,” in her victory speech.
What she did not acknowledge, however, is that the 2,688,543 New Yorkers who cast their votes for Zeldin also spoke up: loud and clear.
“Those controlling Albany should take note,” Zeldin wrote. “New Yorkers of all walks of life are sick of the attacks on their wallet, their safety, their freedoms, and the quality of their kids’ educations.”
Zeldin said that the extremely close results of yesterday’s election shows that many New Yorkers are “hitting their breaking points” and that those controlling Albany will have to address the grave concerns voiced by the voters.
"While this campaign has come to a close, the rescue mission to Save Our State continues.”