Tosher Rebbe to Arrive Sunday in Honor of Hachnosas Sefer Torah in his Father’s Memory

By Yehuda Alter
A historic event will take place Sunday as the Tosher kehillah prepares to complete a Sefer Torah in the exalted memory of the Tosher Rebbe, zt”l.
This has been a joint effort of the kehillah in Boro Park, and they are preparing to celebrate this event with great fanfare–as befits such an occasion.
The Tosher Rebbe, shlit”a–the son and successor of the previous Rebbe–will be making his way to Brooklyn especially for this event.
The Sefer Torah will be completed at the home of the Tosher dayan, Rav Binyonin Laundau Shlit”a, a revered Torah authority, on 48th Street near 16th Avenue, on Sunday afternoon.
The Sefer Torah will then take the route down 48th Street to 15th Avenue, where it will proceed to 47th Street and then continue to 14th Avenue, where it will be welcomed at the Tosher Beis Hanedrash.
The Tosher Rebbe will preside over a magnificent seudas mitzvah following the dancing where he will reflect upon the exalted memory of his illustrious father in whose footsteps this kehillah proudly follows.