Tonight: Toldos Tzvi Spinka Rebbe to Mark Purim Kotton in Boro Park

Tonight: Toldos Tzvi Spinka Rebbe to Mark Purim Kotton in Boro Park

By: Yehuda Alter

As we have reported, the Toldos Tzvi-Spinka Chassidim have opened a shtiebel on Fourteenth Avenue in Boro Park in recent weeks. Earlier this month, the Rebbe graced the new kehillah with a visit for an exceptionally uplifted Shabbos.

In an unusual move, the Rebbe will be conducting the Purim Kotton tish at the shtiebel in Boro Park this evening, 14 Adar I, at 8:30—an announcement that has brought excitement and anticipation to the chassidim in Boro Park.

With Purim Kotton being an exalted day of joy, there will be music, dancing, and badchonus, as well as divrei Torah from the Rebbe, as the cold of this winter evening is warmed with holy joy. 

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