Toldos Tzvi-Spinka Rebbe to Spend Shabbos here, Inaugurating new Beis Medrash

The Toldos Tzvi-Spinka chassidus is named for the legendary
Rebbe Hershele (Horowitz) of Spinka, a scion of the Ropshitz and Spinka
dynasties, who led the chassidus in Williamsburg for decades following the war
with great kedushah.
His son, Rav Elozor Yitzchok Eizik, shlit”a, has attracted
hundreds of chassidim in the Tri-State area, and following the building of a
large shul in Williamsburg and in Monroe, a shtibel was opened in Boro Park
some months ago, under the leadership of the Rebbe’s son, Rav Zussman, shlit”a.
After a while in the 53rd street area, a newly renovated space was
rented at 4206 14th Avenue.
To inaugurate this new home, the Rebbe will spend Shabbos
here, with all tefillos and tischen taking place there. The tisch on Friday
night will be at 9:30, and following Shalosh seudos and ma’ariv,
the Rebbe speak exclusively for the yeshiva bachurim—concluding what is
sure to be an uplifted Shabbos in the new kehillah, inspired and elevated by
the Rebbe’s presence.