Today in History: The UN Voted for Israel to Become a State

On November 29, 1947, a majority of the United Nations voted on
Resolution 181, recommending the establishment of two separate states within
Palestine, a Jewish State, and an Arab State. Up until 1947, Palestine was under
the mandate of Great Britain. Having ruled the
area since 1917, Great Britain announced in February 1947 its decision to
terminate its Mandate.
Resolution 181 was insistently rejected by the
local Arab population and the Arab States. Denying the Jewish people's right to
a state of their own, the Arab countries openly declared their intention of
preventing the creation of the Jewish State by all means.
A wave of violent attacks was launched against the Jewish population and when Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, five Arab armies invaded the new state the same night, seeking its annihilation. Israel prevailed in what came to be known as its War of Independence, but the war bore a heavy cost: 1% of the total population died in the war.