TODAY: Bobov-45 Mesivta in Parksville Gathers to Commemorate Rav Knobloch, zt”l’s, Half-Century of Harbotzas Torah

On 3 Tammuz of this year, Rav
Avrohom Chaim Knobloch, zt”l, passed away after battling an illness,
leaving behind a legacy of Torah, yiras Shomayim, chassidus, middos tovos,
and a beautiful family that carries on his legacy.
The loss has particularly hit the young people of the
chassidus, the Bobov-45 Mesivta, where the niftar was a beloved marbitz
Torah for decades. A Talmid Chochom who shone among the young,
post-Holocaust generation, which was being rebuilt by the Bobover Rebbe, zy”a.
This evening, an atzeres for chizuk and hisorerus
will be held in the camp of the Mesivta of Bobov-45 in Parksville, N.Y., where
they will reflect upon Rav Knobloch’s life, and his incredible legacy of Torah,
yiras Shomayim and chassidus. Rabbonim and marbitzei Torah from the chassidus
will speak, l’iluy nishmoso.
Yehi Zichro Baruch.