Three Steps to Success at the OJBA Mega Construction and Real Estate Trade Show

First, SHOW UP!
The OJBA 2023 Expo is Coming right up at the Meadowlands Expo Center in NJ on Wednesday November 29, 2023. And if you’ve never been there- you’ve been missing out. OJBA has been getting pros from the construction, real estate, and management industry for 8 years. But that’s not the only people you’ll meet! Many other industries are represented, from software solutions to custom office furniture, rooftop gardening companies, and much more. If there’s a product or service that can be utilized by companies in construction, real estate, or management- you can find it at OJBA!
Second, MEET UP
OJBA’s attendees and exhibitors come to meet and be met with. The show is an opportunity to meet and catch up with existing clients,or generate new ones. The atmosphere at OJBA is full of positive vibes, so come ready to network with 6,000+ vibrant, growing business owners and team members! Here’s what our attendees have to say “The show is great! The socializing, business and the feedback are all AMAZING!”
What’s the secret to our success? Why do our 300+ exhibitors keep coming back year after year? It’s pretty simple- because it works! You have a 24% greater chance of closing a deal with someone you’ve met in person. So whether you want to learn about the latest products and services that are coming out, whether you’re launching a new product line, looking for new leads, or just want to catch up with old associates a day at OJBA is a day that can really level UP your business!
“ The exposure we get here is amazing!”
City Expedited Building Services
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