Thousands of Rebbeim Recognized and Appreciated by Chasdei Lev

Thousands of Rebbeim Recognized and Appreciated by Chasdei Lev

by YS Gold 

It is a semiannual event that takes place in the heart of our community—an expression of gratitude to those most precious among us; the mechanchim of our children. Conceived a number of years ago, Chasdei Lev has grown into a mammoth operation assisting rebbeim, teachers, and mechanchim to the tune of millions of dollars so they can go into Yom Tov with lighter and more joyful hearts. 

A sincere expression of a grateful community toward those who dedicate their lives to shaping the future of its children. 

The Brooklyn distribution—serving dozens of Boro Park rebbeim and mechanchim—took place on Sunday afternoon at the Aviator Sports Center at Floyd Benet Field. The enormous lot was filled with thousands of pallets of every conceivable provision needed for Yom Tov, and even for the months beyond it.  

After driving through the large orange (Chadei Lev’s unmistakable branding color) inflatable balloon emblazoned with the words “thank you!”, rebbeim sit comfortably in their cars sipping Chasdei-Lev’s branded iced coffee while hundreds of father’s and sons load their cars to the gills with their Yom Tov order in a sophisticated and flawless operation that takes most of the year to plan. 

As the rebbeim drove home with the back of their cars filled with Yom Tov goods, their hearts were likewise filled with feelings of gratitude expressed to them by a community grateful for their priceless contribution to the future of Klal Yisroel.   

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