Thousands of Children to Gather for Annual Misaskim Aseres Yemei Teshuva Kinus

Thousands of Children to Gather for Annual Misaskim Aseres Yemei Teshuva Kinus

BY: Boropark24 staff 

Today, the fourth day of Aseres Yemei Teshuva will see thousands of children streaming to the enormous Bobover Beis Medrash on Fifteenth Avenue for what has become a tradition of this time of year: The Tinnokos Shel Beis Rabban pouring out their innocent hearts to Hakodosh Baruch Hu in pure tefillah for a good year for themselves and their families, as well as for the entire Klal Yisroel. 

This is the 28th year of the kinus. But it is the first year that the founder of the kinus, the driving force behind its annual success, will not be among the children. Reb Yankie Mayer, the legendary force of chessed has gone up to Shomayim to help deliver the tefillos before the Kisei Hakovod. 

"It is difficult dealing with the preparations without Yankie here to lead us," says Meir Weill, his longtime partner in chessed and co-founder of Miskaskim. "We are still struggling with the tremendous loss, but we are strong and united as we prepare for this event, because this is the legacy that Yankie left us; to continue on regardless of the circumstances. We know that, Be'ezras Hashem, it will work out and all the kinderlich's tefilos will be niskabel because Yanky will be there today and deliver the tefilos On High." 

An added element to this year's kinus is without a doubt the terrible decree against our chinuch that is hovering over our heads in these days, and Klal Yisroel surely looks towards the tefillos of our children that we merit to educate and inculcate them in the ways of Torah, unencumbered and undisturbed. 

The blocks of 15th Avenue from 47th street to 48th street and 48th Street between 15th and 16th Avenues, will be closed to traffic from 12 till 2:00 to allow buses to make their way in, and thousands more children will participate via remote connection, sending up their heartfelt tefillos during this time when Hashem is so present among us.

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