Thousands Gather For Appreciation Event by Legendary RCCS at Newark Symphony Hall
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Close to three thousand men, members of “Chadoshim” of all stripes of Klal Yisroel, gathered together as one for an evening of support for RCCS at the Newark Symphony Hall—reflecting Klal Yisroel’s support for those among us struggling with illness.
One of the highlights of the evening was the address of Rav Meilech Biderman, shlit”a, who intoned to the audience by live hookup: “It is my honor and privilege to be a part of this incredible gathering! Fortunate are you, and great is your lot!”
Reb Hershel Kohn, the legendary leader of RCCS, deeply moved the audience with his description of the suffering of our brothers and sister navigating the nisayon of cancer, R”l, as he expressed gratitude to Hashem for his personal salvation, and gratitude to the askonim for all that they do for the organization and its patients.
A number of riveting addresses were delivered by master lecturers from around the world—expressing the magnitude of the need in Klal Yisroel, as well as extoling the greatness of the askonim who dedicate themselves to easing the burden of acheinu bnei Yisroel who suffer with cancer.
The evening culminated with the fresh undertaking of thousands of kindhearted and generous “Chadoshim” members to partner with a fellow Yid suffering with cancer, and support them throughout the coming year, until they too will see light and salvation.