Thousands attend Historic Shiur in Boro Park by Slabodka Rosh YeShiva Harav Dov Landau Shlit”a

A large crowd of alumni of Yeshivas Slabodka in Bnei Brak and the Borough Park community at large gathered on Monday, for a special shiur delivered by one of the senior Slabodka Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon Harav Dov Landau shlit”a who is in the United Stats for a brief visit.
The shiur at the large Bethel shul was planned for the Yeshiva’s alumni but as word got out, rabbonim and talmidei chachomim from Brooklyn and beyond along with a crowd of hundreds of yidden, quickly made their way to the shul to be mekabel panim one of the venerated ziknei hador. The large ornate Bais Medrash and its overlooking gallery quickly filling beyond capacity.
The shiur, on the sugya of Mileches Ochel Nefesh B’yom Tov, was a brilliant tapestry of chiddushim and illuminating clarity as the Rosh HaYeshiva drew upon ra’ayos from sugyos throughout Shas. It was followed by neginah and dancing. Slabodka talmidim relished the opportunity to once again connect to the wellspring of Torah upon which they were reared and nurtured, and the Rosh Hayeshiva expressed his own nachas in observing the growth of the talmidim from up close.
An overflow crowd filled the streets outside eager to catch a glimpse of the Rosh Hayeshiva and escorted Harav Landau shlit”a in a profound display of kovod haTorah.
photos by: Achim Lenchevsky