The NEW BELZ Cheider

The large and luxurious Belz Cheder building is nearing completion, The building is a huge 170,000 square feet compound with 7 floors, where about 1500 students Ke”h will learn and be educated.

Much sweat and toil went into this project by all the Belzer Chasidim in Borough Park. Many obstacles and travails were overcome, and enormous funds were invested in bringing the building to where it is today.

Belzer Cheder, one of the first Chasidishe Chadarim in Borough Park, was established with the guidance and care of the Ruv z”l, Reb Aharon of Belz. and with the famous letter sent by the Rabbi of Narol, Where he asks the community to help the Talmud Torah in America and sent his blessings to all that help and support this holy institution. This very Cheder formed the Yiddishkeit of so many generations.

50 years ago, in 1973, the Talmud Torah opened in the city of Boro Park at the request of the Rebbe Shlita, and since then until today the Talmud Torah is located on 16th Avenue.

The Cheider grew by leaps and bounds and constantly needed expansion. Eventually, the Cheder became scattered in many buildings around Borough Park and even into Flatbush. The scattering puts a great strain monetarily and is affecting the Chinuch of the children.

The over 1500 Children Ke"h learning in our Cheider are spread out in multiple rented locations in the city and it’s in a very bad state.

For years we had a dream that one day we will build a new Talmud Torah and give our kids what they so desperately need.

This dream is coming through. The fantasy is becoming a reality, but we can't do it ourselves, it is impossible.

A few years ago, we started the grand new building located at 1247 38th Street, Brooklyn NY. The Belz community in Boro Park invested and poured in the astronomical amounts into this project.

NOW - We are at the turning point, another few million is needed and the building will finally be finished and ready for our kids to move in.

With your help, with your diamond being added, we will Iy”h succeed.

Let’s all come together for the future of our children.

To Donate Click here:

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