The Lights Shut Off - For Good

The Lights Shut Off - For Good

YS Gold 

It has stood at the entrance of Boro Park—welcoming visitors and residents alike for more than seven decades. The life-sized mural of Thomas Edison towered over the intersection of Fort Hamilton Parkway and 39th Street served as a clear sign to the children seated in the back that we were entering or exiting the Boro Park neighborhood. 

As the establishments prepares to close its doors after seventy years in business—likely another casualty of online shopping coupled with rising real estate prices—we take a look back at a place that has been such a vital part of Boro Park’s retail fabric for so long.

Over the years, Lamp Warehouse served many in the Boro Park community and beyond, and was at one point the largest lamp store in NYC. But the big-box stores began eating into us, and around 12 years ago, Bill sold the buildings and the business. The new owner rented out the upstairs apartments, and removed the murals… 

It was an uphill climb for the new management, and the business is set to close in late spring of this year, bringing to a close a seventy-year era in Boro Park of yore. 

BDE: Mrs. Sarah Baila Iwaniski, a”h
  • May 11 2023
  • |
  • 12:01 PM

BDE: Reb Gershon Glatzer, z”l
  • May 11 2023
  • |
  • 8:27 AM

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