The Faith in Our DNA: Ani Ma’amin Movement in Memory of Dov Steinmetz, z”l

Agudah conventions have been a summit for incredible resolutions for Klal Yisroel since the founding Knessia’s more than one hundred years ago.
This weekend, as the leaders of Klal Yisroel were gathered for the Agudah convention, they heard from many Gedolim and Klal leaders on issues of the day.
But perhaps the most stirring address of the evening was delivered by a self-described “pashute balebos from Montreal.” But Reb Shloime Steinmetz, and is emotional words brimming with emunah, are anything but simple.
“I am also the son of Gedolim,” he said. “The son of Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov, who put this emunah into our DNA, which continues to give us the strength thousands of years later.”
He recalled his son Dovi, z”l—one of the precious souls of Meron— who helped people his entire life, until his last moments—and the incredible life of emunah that he lived. He recalled the unfailing of Emunah of his zeide, who “graduated Auschwitz.”
In the zechus of Yesochor Berish Ben Shloime, he and his wife launched a movement that has spread like wildfire throughout the world: they printed cards with the Ani Ma’amins, encouraging people to recite them every morning before starting their day. More than 100,000 cards have already been distributed!
“Everyone needs emunah to get through their day. Don’t just do it for Dovi’s neshomoh, do it for your neshomoh, and for that of your entire families—to believe that Hakodosh Baruch Hu is the boreh u’manhig l’chol habru’im. Bring it into your lives, your souls, and your homes.”
He concluded with an incredible gimatriah:
Yisachar Dov Berish + 45 for the lost souls of meron = 1469
Ani Ma’amin be’emunah sheleimah b’vas ha’Moshiach = 1469.
He asked the entire assemblage to join him in singing Ani Ma’amin—expressing our fervent faith that we will be delivered from this galus speedily in our days.