Tefillos Urgently Needed For Rachmastrivka Rebbetzin

By Idy Perl
The Rachmastrivka Rebbetzin, the wife of the late Rachmastrivka Rebbe zt”l is currently hospitalized and in serious condition due to severe breathing difficulties. Rachmastrivka has issued a call to chassidim everywhere to daven for rachamei shamayim and for the complete recovery of the Rebbetzin.
Given the Rebbetzin’s weakened state the doctors are considering placing her on a trachea to ease her breathing. Chassidim are being mispallel with the hope that her condition will improve and therefore avoid the need for machines, and that the Rebbetzin will regain her strength quickly.
Please be mispallel for Rebbetzin Miriam bas Trani for a complete refuah sheleimah.