Talmidim of Lakewood’s Tiferes Yechiel Mark Festive Milestone

Following months of toil, the talmidim of Yeshiva Tiferes Yechiel in Lakewood completed the entire Mishnayos Maseches Sukkah within the venerated “Zichru” framework of learning—and were tested on it, exhibiting clarity and mastery of the masechta.
To mark this incredible accomplishment, a festive siyum was held for all talmidim with the participation of Rabbonim from the area—in conjunction with a “Sukkah fair” in which the talmidim displayed various Sukkah models culled from the masechta.
Rav Simcha Strohli, Avad Royal Grove, and Rav Shaul Rosen, Avad Zidichoiv-Toms River, the Rabbonim of the mossad participated in the event and were duly impressed by the talmidim.