Talmidim and Chassidim of the Krula Rebbe will Gift Him Sefer Torah

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This motzei Shabbos, parashas Shirah-B’Shalach, joy and celebration will be felt on the streets of Williamsburg as the Krula chassidim will an inaugurate a new sefer Torah that has been written especially in honor of the Krula Rebbe, and will be taken into the beis medrash amid song and dance.
The celebration began with the kesivas osiyos at the Chamisha Asar Bishvat Tisch, and Shabbos Shirah will serve as a Shabbos of togetherness in the chassidus.
The celebration will culminate with hachnosas sefer Torah on motzei Shabbos, and a seuda at which the Rebbe will hold a central keynote address to the chassidim who will be gathered.