Stolen Bicycle Registered at Sunday’s Shomrim Registration Event Returned to Owner

Stolen Bicycle Registered at Sunday’s Shomrim Registration Event Returned to Owner

Just one day after Shomrim hosted its annual bike registration event, a bicycle was returned to its owner on Monday, after Shomrim matched the code on the bike, that was inscribed yesterday at the event. 

The suspect who stole the bicycle from a home on 52nd Street and 12th Avenue tried to sell it to the owner of Food Depot supermarket at 13th Avenue and 42nd Street. The owner was suspicious of the bicycle’s whereabouts and immediately summoned Shomrim.

Upon arriving, Shomrim volunteers inspected the bicycle and located the code. A quick check in their system gave them the owner’s information, and thanks to the registration the bicycle was returned to its owner, and the suspect was placed under arrest by the NYPD.

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