Snapshot: You Won’t Find Ordinary Cookware at the Peppermill

Snapshot: You Won’t  Find Ordinary Cookware at the Peppermill

By David J. Glenn

Imagine this:

You're planning to have 20 guests over for the Shabbos seuda. You have all the preparations for an amazing meal.

Except for what to cook with.

The pots, pans, and serving platters in your kitchen have long seen better days. Your planned menu deserves better.

What to do?

You could head over to The Peppermill on 18th Avenue. "We have every price range from affordable to high-end," said Chayale Braver, who started Peppermill 25 years ago with her sister-in-law, Rivky, in a basement apartment.

After several moves to different locations in Boro Park, Peppermill is now in a nice shop at 4622 18th Ave.

"We offer time-honored cookware along with what is currently trending, from simple to more elaborate," Chayale said. "All of it is made to last."

She also stocks a variety of ingredients to add zest to the seudah, including creams and specialized chocolates.

And of course, peppermills (the original term for a pepper grinder).

Her busiest times, as expected, are before Yom Tovim, when her customers want to upgrade their cooking tools.

Most of her clientele are women,  including, of course, many kallahs, but men do come in. "There are plenty of men who cook," Chayale said.

She and Rivky do take phone and online orders, but it's best if the customer comes in, Chayale said. " We can help them choose what is best for their kitchen. We make sure our sales staff is very knowledgeable."

It's why, she said, she draws customers from Lakewood, Monsey, and elsewhere. 

"They tell me it's worth the trip."

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