Snapshot: Official Computers and Networks Offers Sales and Service in a 'Heimishe Atmosphere’

Snapshot: Official Computers and Networks Offers Sales and Service in a 'Heimishe Atmosphere’

By David  J. Glenn 

Mr. Brown has always enjoyed tinkering with electronics.

"I like to fix things," he said.

He had found a job working with computers some 25 years ago — seven years later he opened his own computer store..

Mr. Brown now has ample chance to service, and sell, computers at his Official Computers & Networks business on 15th Avenue. 

He and his staff not only repair "all kinds of computers," but also sell the hardware (as well as office supplies).

They do this in a "heimishe atmosphere," he said, catering to the particular needs of their frum clientele. 

Many customers come in with problems with their hard drives — it's why Mr. Brown advises anyone using a computer to have a backup,  such as a flash-drive or a second drive, in case information is lost through defective or damaged storage.

He offered some additional advice — "Never click or call any links or phone numbers from pop-up ads."  They can look convincingly legitimate, even using big-company logos, but they are generally scams, he said— attempts at identity theft or ransom-ware.

About an equal number of men and women are his customers, Mr. Brown said, and not all are local. "We get online and phone orders from all over," he said.

He also provides 19 filtered computer kiosks on site, offering compcomputerrs protection from the spiritual potholes of the Internet.

"It's very difficult nowadays to conduct business, or really do anything, without a computer," Mr. Brown said.

"But at least we can help people do so in a kosher way."

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