Skolya Chassidim will Mark 44th Yohrtzeit of the Rebbe, zt"l, this Shabbos

BY: YS Gold
This Shabbos, the 6th of Shevat, will mark the forty-fourth yohrtzeit of the Skolya Rebbe, Rav Dovid Yitzchok Eizik Rabinowitz, zt"l.
The Rebbe arrived in America in the very early years, where his grandfather, the Yampoler Rebbe was one of the first chassidishe Admorim on American soil. He led a life of Torah and Avodah, rarely venturing out, but spending his time secluded in service to Hashem. He was a master of both the hidden and revealed Torah, and his deep Torah and fiery words attracted a following among America's young.
Today, the dynasty is continued by the Rebbe's grandson, the current Skolya Rebbe shlit"a.
In honor of the yohrtzeit, the Rebbe will conduct a special yohrtzeit Seuda on Friday night in the Skolya Shul on 48th Street.