Dialysis machines are the next piece of the puzzle in treating covid-19

Due to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 patients over the last few months, hospitals have seen an unexpected need for dialysis machines. Despite the lack of research showing that kidney failure is a byproduct of a coronavirus infection, it has become apparent that many patients suffer from differing organ failure as a result of their battle with COVID-19.
Unfortunately, despite the rampant spread of kidney failure, many hospital systems are un-equipped to handle the increase in the number of patients lacking both the dialysis equipment but also the related supplies needed to administer the dialysis treatments.
With an estimated 20-40 percent of patients who were in intensive care suffering kidney failure and requiring emergent dialysis treatment, the need is greater than ever for additional machines, fluid, and other supplies. However, there is not just a shortage of dialysis machines. Personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks as well as hand sanitizers and ventilators have also been unavailable. To correct this, President Trump has ordered the Defense Production Act into place for essential hospital supplies and equipment like N95 masks and ventilators to be produced by companies like General Motors and 3M.
It is clear that dialysis machines need to be added to this category of essential items being ordered produced on a wide scale by large factories to address this shortage.