Shmira Recovers Stolen Vehicle in Overnight Canvas

BY: YS Gold
A call came into Shmira headquarters at around 3:00 Thursday morning. A woman noticed a crew of burglars on the small block of Dahl Court, near 19th Avenue.
They began emptying a number of cars, and eventually were able to start the engine of one of the cars. She immediately contacted Shmira, which was soon on the scene.
By that time, the group was gone, and the members divided the area into grids, and began canvcanvassing, one member noticed a vehicle matching the description of the stolen vehicle and followed it at a distance, while alerting NYPD. The driver must have noticed that he was being followed because he fled on foot near McDonald Avenue and Avenue O, leaving the vehicle behind.
While members were unable to apprehend the suspect due to the dark and out of caution, the vehicle owner is being reunited with his car at the NYPD precinct this Thursday morning.